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[Pursuant to the Regulations 25(7) and 46 (2) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015]

  • The Company has in place familiarisation programme for the new directors when they are inducted on Board. Familiarisation is achieved through broad-based engagement, under which business heads and functional heads are invited to make presentation before the Board on matters like financial performance, Internal Audit Report, Various business opportunities and plans.
  • During the Financial year 2023-24, familiarisation sessions were conducted after the Board Meetings. One separate meeting for Independent Directors was held and attended by all of independent Directors.
  • During the financial year 2023-24, total 5 sessions for familiarisation were conducted for the Independent Directors.
  • Approximately 5 hours were spent by Independent Director on the familiarisation sessions during FY 2023-24.